Irresistible Nails

Posts Tagged ‘damage

Nail enhancements are important fashion accessories. For many many years, ladies was only offered the choice of getting acrylic nails; however, today, ladies can get gel nails as well.

I have received several questions regarding which is safer: acrylics or gels? Well first thing first, damage is not caused by the product or the tool, but the lack of knowledge from the nail tech.

With that said, here are a few comparisons between acrylics & gels:

Acrylics do NOT thin out the natural nail, but overfiling the natural nail DOES.

Acrylics do NOT damage the natural nail, but picking/pulling/peeling them off DOES.

Acrylics do NOT (or in this case I should say RARELY) cause allergic reactions or other health problems, UNLESS the tech applying them does so incorrectly, overexposing the skin and nails to uncured product.

Gel applied to thick will cause a burning sensation to the nail plate, and can cause DAMAGE to that nail plate.

ALSO, if you peel a gel nail off, you will damage your nail plate in the same manner as if you peeled off an acrylic nail.

Acrylic is just as good as gel & gel is just as good as acrylic. It’s all about getting it applied properly in the salon, and taking care of it properly at home.You must invest in taking care of your hands and feet. You must do some work at home and follow the recommendations from your nail tech/stylist.

Acrylic Nails

Acrylic Nails

Gel Nails

Gel Nails

Taken from a post from Nail artist on Beautytech….

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